Several TOUHOU Pilgrimage experience in Japan

書いた人: Cat₂O₃

Before starting

Thank you for your attention in the beginning.

This is Cat₂O₃, an M2 international student (from China) in Utokyo. I have been in GUT for about one year. For my overall TOUHOU journey, I have been a TOUHOU fan since 2016 and participated in different kinds of TOUHOU related activities since 2019, when I was in China. I arrived in Japan on 2023.9 and enrolled in the University. I joined Gensokyo in the University of Tokyo (GUT) discord before I came to Japan, but the first visit was on 23.10.

I am pretty sorry that my poor Japanese still cannot support me to finish an article and I have to apologize that I am not an English native speaker and may make mistakes in my text. Also, This is my first time writing an English text that is not academic stuff. I will try my best to make the text not that strange and readable for y’all. I appreciate Gensokyo in the University of Tokyo (GUT) for giving me this chance to recall all the marvelous shining pieces on TOUHOU this year.

In this text, I will summarize my Pilgrimage experience of TOUHOU in Japan this year. Initially I plan to summarize with more on TOUHOU Events, Music lives, Circle activities, and Pilgrimage. However, I found out that the whole task made the length of this text blow up, since the photos that I got have already exceeded 70. Thus, I will firstly convey my feelings about Pilgrimage or Seichi Junrei, as a foreigner TOUHOU fan. I hope that this can give you a refreshing experience, when reading. The comment may not be long, since I really get loads of pictures.

Please forgive me for my weak Japanese culture base and possible confusing combinations of Japanese and English. (Or maybe 日本語 and Japanese? XD

For the reference of Pilgrimage, I strongly recommend the map by TOUHOU Pilgrimage MAP by 水師提督(X: @shuishitidu8). The map has TOUHOU Seichi information all around the world and has descriptions in Japanese and Chinese. The link to the map:

Pilgrimage – All the Serendipity starts from Seichis

1. 五方山 熊野神社

Arriving Time: 2023.9.24 13:30
TOUHOU Related info: Seichi for 地霊殿(Subterranean Animism) and 霊烏路空 (Utsuho Reiuji)

Fig. 1: 五方山 熊野神社 with collaborations of 地霊殿
Fig. 1: 五方山 熊野神社 with collaborations of 地霊殿

五方山 熊野神社(Gohouzan Kumano Shrine) was the second shrine that I visited in Japan. It is smaller than I expected, since the first shrine I visited was Meiji Jingu. At first glance, I noticed the collaboration flags with Koishi, Satori and Okuu. It is a very unique feeling to see these characters in a shrine.
When I was walking around and got to know some histories and tales about the shrine on the 八咫乌(Yatagarasu, the three-legged crow), I met one member of GUT and chatted with him. He taught me the pronunciation of 霊烏路空 and we discussed much on the TOUHOU events between the two counties.We both bought the collaboration version of 御守り(omamori, protective charms) from the shrine. I also bought a normal version. They are well designed. Unfortunately, the Koishi’s was sold out and I only got the Satori and Okuu versions.

Fig. 2: Collaboration 御守り
Fig. 2: Collaboration 御守り
The stay in the shrine was not long. After leaving the shrine, I read an article on 東方我楽多叢誌(Touhou Garakuta Souji), introducing the references of 地霊殿 logos to the crest of the shrine. Although I guess many of the Japanese TOUHOU fan have known that, you can still check the article by the following link:
Fig. 3: Introduction of originalities of 地霊殿 logos* (cited)
Fig. 3: Introduction of originalities of 地霊殿 logos* (cited)
Fig. 3: Introduction of originalities of 地霊殿 logos* (cited)

2. 神田明神神社
Arriving Time: 2023.9.25 night, & many times later
TOUHOU Related info: 東方神霊廟 〜 Ten Desires : 健康長寿祈願(Health and Longevity Prayers, Easy) · 交通安全祈願(Traffic Safety Prayers, Normal) · 商売繁盛祈願(Business Prosperity Prayers, Hard) · IT情報安全祈願/IT情報安全守護(T Information Safety Prayers/Protection, Lunatic)

Fig. 4: 神田明神神社
Fig. 4: 神田明神神社

In my first visit, I did not notice that 神田明神神社(Kanda Myojin Shrine) is a TOUHOU Seichi. I was led there by my friend as a tour guide at night. The light from the lanterns made the shrine warm, kind and touching. I took the Fig. 4 and found out the 祭務所(Saimusho, office for shrine affairs) was already closed. Due to that, I didn’t got 御守り and missed my chance of recognizing the shrine as a TOUHOU Seichi on the first serendipity.
I take my academic lectures mainly in Hongo campus, which is not far from this shrine. Sometimes I get chances to hang out and take a rest there. Several months after my first visit, I bought 御守り from the 祭務所. In the counter of the 祭務所, I found the IT情報安全守護. I felt very interesting for a shrine having the 御守り for IT information safety and liked the Cyber style design. At that point of time, a sense of familiarity, like a crab living in my chest, starts to knock on my heart. I tried to open my memory gate in my heart to search for that little crab but found nothing. So I posted the bought IT情報安全守護 on the Chinese SNS software and they were recognized immediately by STG players.

Fig. 5: Bought 御守り from 神田明神神社
Fig. 5: Bought 御守り from 神田明神神社
Fig. 5: Bought 御守り from 神田明神神社

3. 京都 墨染寺
Arriving Time: 2024.4.2
TOUHOU Related info: 東方妖々夢では幽々子のスペルカード『桜符「完全なる墨染の桜 -○○-」』、テーマ曲「幽雅に咲かせ、墨染の桜 ~ Border of Life」などで「墨染」の名が出てきている。*(cited)

Cited information Link, TOUHOU Pilgrimage MAP by 水師提督(X: @shuishitidu8), Japanese & Chinese:

Fig. 6: Entrance of 墨染寺
Fig. 6: Entrance of 墨染寺
Fig. 6: Entrance of 墨染寺
On 2024.4.2, I visited Kyoto. Before travelling there, I made a specific plan on the TOUHOU Pilgrimage. There is one TOUHOU fan made a summarized version of the TOUHOU PilgrimageI map, with plenty of locations being marked. The link was mentioned bellow this section title. I checked his map and made a route, but I only have one day to stay in Kyoto (even not including the night), thus I just went to 墨染寺(Sumizome Temple)、京都大学 (Kyoto University) and 知恩院 (Chion-In).
During my trip from Tokyo to Kyoto, I took Tokaido Shinkansen and listened to the 「卯酉東海道 ~ Retrospective 53 minutes」 along the way. It’s unlucky that I am not Seat E to catch the scenery of Mount. Fuji and I should have been going to the door of the train to use that window, but I didn’t realize. What a pity.
Take words back to the 墨染寺, it’s the first place I’ve been to after 京都駅. The 墨染寺 was considered to be one origin of the designs on Saigayoji Yuyuko. The name 墨染 was used for the spellcard and the theme music of her. As for the music clip 「幽雅に咲かせ、墨染の桜 ~ Border of Life」,there are actual 墨染の桜 (Cherry Blossom of Somizome, meaning that the ink-coloured Cherry Blossom) in the temple.

Fig. 7: Gate and main section of Sumizome Temple

For the introduction of 墨染桜, quote from the map info: “これは、平安時代の歌人の上野峯雄が藤原基経の死を悲しみ、「深草の 野辺の桜し 心あらば 今年ばかりは 墨染に咲け 」(古今集)。と詠んだところ、この地の桜がそれ以来薄墨色の花を咲かせるようになったことに由来する。大辞林によると、墨染桜は「茎・葉とも青く,薄墨色のように見える」らしい。境内には一般的なソメイヨシノも植えられているが、ソメイヨシノが四月上旬に咲くのに対して、墨染桜四代目は四月中旬が見ごろとなっている。”
The time I went to Kyoto was the early April, so I searched in the temple for the 墨染桜. Possibilities of witnessing a blue-ink-coloured or even weak-ink-coloured cherry blossom scratched my curiosity. It seems that my arrival was a bit early with most cherry blossoms at the budding stage, with small flowers at a very young age. I can’t tell whether there are ink-coloured ones or not, although the young blossoms are still charming. Maybe this leads to the Young stage of Yuyuko, before the self burying……

Fig. 8: Young 墨染桜 in the Sumizome Temple
Fig. 8: Young 墨染桜 in the Sumizome Temple

4. 京都大学
Arriving Time: 2024.4.2
TOUHOU Related info: Renko and Merry’s affair University, related much to 大空魔術~ Magical Astronomy

Fig. 9: Main gate of Kyoto University
Fig. 9: Main gate of Kyoto University

As a deep 秘封 (Hifuu) fan, Kyoto Univ. has always been a must-go place. I had a friend in the KyotoU Yoshida Campus who guided me on the whole trip. I felt like KyotoU has a larger area than UTokyo Hongo campus, with a similar architecture style.

Fig. 10: Inner scenario of Kyoto University
Fig. 10: Inner scenario of Kyoto University

For Hifuu section,大空魔術~ Magical Astronomy, Renko and Merry sit by the fountain at Kyoto University, gazing at the Sea of Tranquility on the Moon and the Lunar Capital. Merry even crosses the boundary to reach the lunar surface. The original inspiration for this scene was a small, charming fountain about 2 meters square, located at the center of the Faculty of Letters East Building. Sadly, as of 2014, this serene spot has been replaced by an ashtray and a smoking area, a rather disappointing fate for such a poetic location. I found a previous picture from a blog noting for this change and input my picture of current state in Fig. 11. The cited blog link:

Fig. 11: Previous and Current state of the fountain in Kyoto University
Fig. 11: Previous and Current state of the fountain in Kyoto University

5.京都 知恩院 御影堂大殿 左甚五郎の忘れ傘
Arriving Time: 2024.4.2
TOUHOU Related info: Origin of Kogasa Tatara

Fig. 12: Scenery in 知恩院
Fig. 12: Scenery in 知恩院

知恩院 (Chion-in) is a historic Buddhist temple, serving as the head temple of the 浄土 (Jōdo, Pure Land) sect. Known for its massive Sanmon gate, vibrant gardens, and cultural significance, it is a popular destination for history and architecture enthusiasts.
Under the front eaves of the 御影堂大殿 (Mieido Hall) at Chion-in, a traditional parasol can be spot encased in an iron net. It is said to have been intentionally left there by the renowned Kyoto craftsman 左甚五郎 (Hidari Jingoro) during the construction of the Mieido Hall, as a charm to ward off evil spirits. This parasol is believed as an origin of Kogasa Tatara, since it was left over, ‘forgotten by her owner”.

Fig: 13: 忘れ傘, Origin of Kogasa Tatara

6. 長野 善光寺, 善光寺本堂(ねじれ柱/捻れた柱)
Arriving Time: 2024.4.4
TOUHOU Related info: Visited by Renko and Merry in the 伊弉諾物質 ~ Neo-traditionalism of Japan.

Fig. 14: Starting point of 善光寺
Fig. 14: Starting point of 善光寺
Fig. 14: Starting point of 善光寺

善光寺 (Zenkoji) is a historic Buddhist temple in Nagano. Founded in the 7th century, it is a significant pilgrimage site open to all denominations and features a unique underground passage symbolizing rebirth and enlightenment. A discussion about I went there to find some pieces of Izanagi object and Hifuu origins.
Before arriving at 善光寺, a long walk path was passed through from the Nagano station. The passing path was completely straight forward with 2 or 3 gates. I listened to 牛に引かれて善光寺参り from 伊弉諾物質 ~ Neo-traditionalism of Japan at that time. 牛に引かれて善光寺参り was actually a motto from Nagano, representing a good omen with a invitation from someone who can make you better.
善光寺 is really large with plenty of people. In one of the temple building, I found the ねじれ柱 (earthquake pillar mentioned in 伊弉諾物質 ~ Neo-traditionalism.

Fig. 15: Earthquake pillar
Fig. 15: Earthquake pillar
In 伊弉諾物質 ~ Neo-traditionalism, Renko stated that the pillar dried out and twisted that way over time, not by earthquake. But Merry had seen a landscape wrought by a frightening earthquake that could easily have twisted that pillar. No matter what happened in the pillar, it was twisted. There is also a very long crack, making me imagine the discussion of the earthquake just before this pillar.

By the way, I love the discussions on “mysterious and imagination” in 伊弉諾物質, of which I believe is the core of the Hifuu series, and, I would say I love the clip of Hand-eye vision sharing between the two.

Thank you for reading.
Next dream comes to Mr./Ms. inu.